Remote Asbestos Awareness
This remote asbestos awareness training course is for those with a direct or indirect responsibility for the management of buildings, including asbestos managers and facility managers. Also, for those who may come across asbestos as part of their day-to-day work; such as plumbers, roofers, shop fitters, electricians, decorators, heating engineers, and more.
Asbestos awareness is vital as ‘Asbestos still kills around 5,000 workers each year in the UK, this is more than the number of people killed on the road. Around 20 tradesmen die each week as a result of past exposure.’ – Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
Awareness could help reduce the number of deaths from asbestos related cancer.
Be aware of this hidden danger.
Find a location and date to suit you in the table below. Book a course online now or alternatively fill out a booking form here.
If there is not a date that suits, chat to us online or call us on 01283 505777