New Exam Only option for Surveyors and Analysts to gain Qualification

Today the Association launched an exam only option for asbestos surveyors and analysts to gain an RSPH qualification recognised by UKAS and the HSE.

This exam only option is available for those surveyors and analysts who have received training to gain the knowledge and understanding that the qualifications’ syllabus requires, as well as gaining the necessary experience and skills required to carry out all the tasks for the role.

Over a full day, candidates for the RSPH Level 3 Award in Asbestos Surveying or RSPH Level 3 Award in Air Monitoring and Clearance Procedures qualifications, will be assessed on their practical competence and take a written exam, which is set and administered in conjunction with the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH), who are in turn Ofqual regulated.

“This option gives candidates, who are prepared and confident to undertake all elements of theory and practical assessments, a more-timely route to gaining a qualification,” commented Satish Patel, ARCA Training Manager.

Candidates taking the surveying qualification will need to arrange to take their exam/assessment at an ARCA centre. Analytical candidates can be assessed and sit the exam at an ARCA centre or at their work premises, as long as the required facilities are available.

These RSPH qualifications have been designed around the HSG264 Asbestos: The survey guide and HSG248 Asbestos: The analysts guide for sampling, analysis and clearance procedures, and are recognised by UKAS re:

UKAS document RG 8, ‘Accreditation of Bodies Surveying for Asbestos in Premises’, states that all asbestos surveyors must hold formal recognised qualifications (in addition to demonstrable knowledge, experience and in-house training). This qualification is recognised by UKAS for this purpose.

UKAS document LAB 30 ‘Application of ISO/IEC 17025 for Asbestos Sampling and Testing’, states that all asbestos analysts carrying out air monitoring and 4 stage clearances must hold formal recognised qualifications (in addition to demonstrable knowledge, experience and in-house training).

Qualification information, including syllabus and pre-reading material, can be found on the ARCA website.